Scroll down to see the variety of narrative drawings composed on a piece of paper measuring 36" long and either 4", 5", or 6" high.
Inspired in part by narrative relief sculptures found throughout South and Southeast Asia depicting stories from Buddhist and Hindu history or from local traditions, these artists developed their own narratives which tell a story related to their present world. These artists created compositions which talk about such issues as the mental and physical price of freedom, the loss of innocence as a person grows up, the disappearance of bees, deforestation, and the poaching of animals to the point of extinction.
Inspired in part by narrative relief sculptures found throughout South and Southeast Asia depicting stories from Buddhist and Hindu history or from local traditions, these artists developed their own narratives which tell a story related to their present world. These artists created compositions which talk about such issues as the mental and physical price of freedom, the loss of innocence as a person grows up, the disappearance of bees, deforestation, and the poaching of animals to the point of extinction.