Scroll down to see the variety of these artists' computer Graphic Design images created using different tools in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.

Logo Designs

Lillie Miles. 2019.

Marty Baker. 2019.

Nicole Huffman. 2019.

Placing Oneself into an Artwork

Lillie Miles. 2019.

Marty Baker. 2019.

Nicole Huffman. 2019.

Half-page Magazine Advertisements for Smith County

Lillie Miles. 2019.

Marty Baker. 2019.

Nicole Huffman. 2019.

Repair Cafe Posters

Lillie Miles. 2019.

Marty Baker. 2019.

Nicole Huffman. 2019.


Lillie Miles. Adobe Animate Video. 2020.

Hound Animation (on Youtube).

Lillie Miles. Adobe Animate Video. 2020.